Strong River Camp & Farm 2025 Sessions:
Strong River Camp and Farm is for boys and girls aged 7 – 13 years old. We offer swimming, tennis, arts and crafts, archery, horseback riding, soccer, ultimate Frisbee, banana boats, birling, softball, bicycles, cricket, earthball, fishing, gardening, canoeing and a "ropes adventure course".
Our Fed Tax ID # 64-0621161
Registration for 2025 will open on October 1, 2024.
ONLINE REGISTRATION HERE! This will take you to our UltraCamp partner's website. Parents will need to create an account for themselves first, then register their camper. If you created an account last year you can log-in and update your account as needed.
Your user name is your email address and you have your own password.
If the session you want is full, it won't show up as available. But scroll down to the bottom of the page and you can add your name to the Waiting List. You will get an automatic email notice if and when a place becomes available.
If you would like to download and print a mail-in camper application, click here!
It is "worth it" to join the Waiting List. When we make cabin assignments, we frequently "find" a place in a cabin and can go to the Waiting List to offer that place. You may add your name to multiple Waiting Lists and you may accept a place in one session and stay on the Waiting List for a different session.
Junior Staff Registration Process:
All potential CITs and Junior Counselors must have had their 13th birthday by the time they arrive at camp and must have attended Strong River as a camper. Eligible CITs and Junior Counselors can apply to be a member of the Junior Staff through UltraCamp using the waiting list process. Just login to your UltraCamp account and put your name on the waiting list for any CIT session(s) you want to attend.
You will also need to submit a letter explaining why you want to be part of the Junior Staff at Strong River. This letter should include your choice of morning activities you would like to teach and, if you are applying for multiple sessions, the list of sessions in order of preference. Your Junior Staff application will not be considered complete until we have received your letter.
Junior Staff applications must be submitted by January 10, 2025. We will begin to send out acceptances by email on January 20, 2025.
As of January 20, 2025, we are beginning to send out offers to register to the Junior Staff. This will be a gradual process over the next week, so please be patient. If you get a notification that we have a place for you, you must Register to claim that place.
If you have siblings registered as campers, their sibling discount will automatically be applied when you complete your registration.
The discount for being a first-year CIT is already reflected in the CIT session fees charged.
If you are a second-year CIT, apply for an additional discount with the discount code cit2. If you are a third-year CIT, use the discount code cit3 and fourth-year CITs use the discount code cit4.
Discounts will not be applied until they are verified in our office.
CANCELLATION POLICY: In case of cancellation, if we are notified in writing by April 1, 2025, $450 of the $500 deposit is refundable. After April 1, if we are notified in writing at least 10 days prior to the camp session, all payments less $500 will be refunded. Less than 10 days notice of cancellation will result in the forfeiture of fees paid.
For last-minute emergency medical cancellations, fees cannot be refunded but they may be applied to an alternate 2025 session or a 2026 session.
For cancellations, please email sdg@strongriver.com.
SCHEDULING CONFLICTS: No camper may leave camp during a session to participate in another activity. If a camper cannot commit to coming to camp for the full session s/he should not plan to attend camp. If necessary you may pick up your camper after the campfire ceremony late on the last night. Please discuss this with us in advance if this would be helpful to you.
Need to complete a Health Form or Waiver?
Under your reservation information it will say Incomplete Tasks/Forms and if you click on that tab you can see which forms are incomplete. You may also find these forms in the Document Center.
PAY MY BALANCE - Click to sign in to your online account and click on Make a Payment. Full payment is due by April 1.
Strong River 101
We are kicking off the summer with STRONG RIVER 101! This will be a special session designed to introduce Strong River Camp to younger brothers/sisters, cousins, neighbors or anyone aged 6 - 10 who would like to spend three nights with us and experience a shorter version of camp.
Sessions 4 & 8 - "Short and Sweet" 3 - day sessions
Similar to Strong River 101 but open to 7-13 year olds, Sessions 4 and 8 will begin on a Sunday afternoon and end on a Wednesday morning. Come ready to stay busy and have fun!
Session 5 - The campers' favorite... the 9-day Session!
This summer Session 5 will begin on Thursday, June 26 and end on Saturday, July 5. It includes an overnight campout and our huge 4th of July celebration! Come enjoy the party - special events, special food and some red, white and blue surprises!
We will no longer have any camper sessions that may be combined for a longer stay.
We appreciate that campers want to stay longer but we have come to realize that sometimes campers are too tired to rally for another week. Our Sessions are designed to pack in the fun and build to a 'grand finale'.
Arrival Time for Session 101 is Wednesday afternoon between 2:30 and 4:00 p.m.
Arrival Time for Sessions 2,3,4,6,7 & 8 is Sunday afternoon between 2:30 and 4:00 p.m.
Arrival Time for Session 5 is Thursday afternoon between 2:30 and 4:00 p.m.
Departure Time for Sessions 1,2,3,5,6 & 7 is Saturday morning between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Departure Time for Session 4 & 8 is Wednesday morning between 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.
Prospective Campers may come visit during arrival and departure times if they would like to see camp in action.
You must be at least 18 years old to use our website to register for camp. If you are younger than 18 please get your parents' help before proceeding. To see our full Website Terms and Conditions click this link.